At PANETORY, you can cancel your order or modify your order information within 24 hours after you place an order at PANETORY.COM To ensure the fastest production and delivery as committed, we will start production after 24 hours. So you can modify your order information by sending us an email, our support team will assist you as soon as possible. We will refund you 100% in case of order cancellation on time.
If there is a problem with the order you received, please contact us by email: One of our representatives will be happy to assist you in getting the job done within 15 days of receiving your order.
Situations where we will review and replace another product for you:
+ Printed image is not clear.
+ The print is not in the center of the shirt.
+ The package received is wrong compared to the order.
+ Damage caused by delivery: torn, dirty…
+ Ordered goods are not the right size, color, style compared to the order.
+ Other errors caused by us…
If there is a case that the goods are lost during delivery, please contact us to check, if it is the fault of the carrier, PANETORY will refund or replace the new order for you.
Please contact us via for prompt answers and support, we are always ready to serve you.